A very nice article extracted from TheStar.
Accept defeat and move on
With the right attitude, even losing can make you a better person.
THERE will come a time in every individual’s life when things don’t go our way and this is the reality of life.
One of the most common occurrences is defeat, which comes in various situations in our daily and challenging undertakings and often causes anger, disappointment, depression, unhappiness and discomfort.
At the recent 12th general election, failure was more felt by a greater number of politicians than success and this had left many people with a disturbed mood, shame and pain.
I called two politicians whom I had interviewed during their campaign trail after their defeat was announced and they refused to answer my calls.
Another politician who I went to visit cursed and swore because he lost his seat and was forced to vacate his house hurriedly following the fall of the Selangor government.
A real man is one who can face up to his mistakes and learn something from them so that he never repeats them.
Here credit must be given to former Penang chief minister Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon who accepted his defeat and the downfall of the state government gracefully and passed on the baton respectfully.
He left with dignity and style and nothing commands respect more than a man who stands up to adversity because respect clears the way to power and success.
Many say this is easily said than done because it is difficult to accept or admit defeat.
One shouldn’t be afraid to acknowledge defeat because an individual who has the ability to stand up tall and admit that he’s wrong or that he’s been bettered in some way is admired and regarded as a gentleman.
This is because with the right attitude, even losing can make you a better person as the entire episode offers us an experience to learn from.
We spend our whole life building on a good character and this is not based on how we win every task we undertake but how we deal with losses and emerge stronger.
People with credible disposition do not fall following a failure but surface greater in the society.
Don’t dwell on your performance which wasn’t the best, instead recognise your defeat. Congratulate the winner and move on with positive thoughts to recover from your setback quickly.
Never hold grudges and take revenge because such thoughts are counterproductive and in fact they will affect your physique and aura.
Swallow your pride and ego and learn from your mistakes and turn your errors to your advantage.
Every loss should be played back in your head again and again to determine exactly why you lost.
This will keep you sharp and focused for the next time you face this particular adversary.
In a defeated situation you often ask why it was him and not you who came out on top. Did he have something that you didn’t?
There’s nothing wrong with admiring those who won and take stock of what it took to come out on top.
Another defeated politician I spoke to attributed his loss to the will of God and has turned to spirituality to heal his body, mind and soul.
Many people turn to the Almighty when in crisis, not realising that they should have done it before so that they have the divine guidance and grace in undertaking challenges in life.
The reality of life is there are super powers above us and all we have to do is give our best in all our undertakings and leave the rest to the unseen supremacy.
T. Selva, The Star’s Sunday Metro Editor, feels that every failure offers a chance to bounce back as a winner the next time.