Saturday, December 30, 2017

Year 2017 - 55.53% Return From KLSE !!!

1. Wishing you a very Happy New Year of 2018 ^^

2. As we come to an end of year 2017. Time for me to report my result for the full year of 2017 KLSE performance. ^^

3. As depicted in the above, another good year run for me in 2017 despite lots of challenges during the trading. ^^

4. Another record high again. ^^

5. Coming year of 2018 will be even more challenging as it is an election year. A lot of uncertainty lying in front of us. ^^

6. Before election and after election will have lots of uncertainty. Hence it is good to take pre-cautious on every step that you move. ^^ I certainly look good on construction and property counters right after election. ^^ 

7. Best strategy is to stay out temporary. Election will be within the next 100 days. ^^

8. Till then, may the best price be yours always. ^^ 88

Saturday, April 22, 2017

My 1Q Result !!!

20.89 %

1. Do you know what's the figure up there meant for ? ^^

2. Yes. The above said it all. ^^

3. 1Q of 2017 has gone. ^^ Above just my current reading so far. ^^

4. Hope to grow more from here. ^^

5. No magic, no heavy study and no complicated calculation of ROE, PE, ROIC & etc etc etc ^^

6. All you need is a common sense brain & straight forward understanding of simple rules, then follow on with execution. ^^ Simple as that. ^^

7. One good example is Maybank. ^^ (Please refer to my previous post on this if you are interested). Bear in mind, this is not the only rule applied, there are many others which have bring me this far. ^^ Join me for a RM100, RM200, RM500 membership fees ? ^^ 

No. ! Absolutely FOC coming from me IF there is one. ^^

8. You may said that in any bull run, everyone is a sifu. ^^ Yup. you are not wrong in stating this statement. ^^ BUT, a sifu that last for decades not many can be found. ^^

9. Till then, may the best price be yours always. ^^

Sunday, January 1, 2017

A Whopping Of 43.19% Return From KLSE !!! ^^

1. Wish you all a Happy New Year of 2017. ^^

2. Above the result of my 2016 KLSE investment. ^^

3. A record high of 43.19% from my total investment. ^^

4. I do hope 2017 is another good year for me. ^^

5. The size of my investment is definitely bigger each year with the positive return of every single year. ^^

6. How i did it ? My resolution is only 10% return each year in fact but i have been achieving more than 10% return in a decade so far. ^^ I come from a long way if you read back my early posting when i first started my blog in year of 2006. ^^

7. I am a day trader cum long term investor on certain selective counters (mainly focus on dividend yielding). ^^ I am handling another investment account for others which also have a very decent result as well. ^^ Beside enjoying the thrill of day trading, i also feel very happy when i am able to generate a constant income on a monthly basis without failed so far. ^^

8. If there is a chance, i wold like to unveil my trades in a private group. ^^ Reason doing so is to help more people making money and sharing my picks on how to deal with each stock individually. ^^ No big secret, it is just an application. Apply them accordingly when you see it. ^^

9. I hope to do more this year 2017. ^^ Would aim for 50% return if possible. ^^ One good example is the MAYBANK counter which i shared in my previous posting. ^^ Those interested can refer back my earlier posting. ^^

10. Till then, may the best price be yours always. ^^ Good bye and have a best year ahead. ^^
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